Sunday, January 6, 2013

Someone always gets hurt.

I like to think of myself as a pretty realistic, logical person. I mean, I know when and where my emotions are allowed, and where I should keep them to myself.... For the most part.
But I am human, and I do have feelings. And, when I feel that it is ok to open up and talk about my feelings, I like to share them with others. Especially feelings of love and kindness. (I'm not going to say I don't share the bad ones too, because sometimes I do.) I like to feel safe enough in a place and time to share with someone I care about... I don't think this is a bad thing at all....

Now, sometimes, my intuition is wrong, sometimes I feel safe enough to express my feelings, and somehow it back fires, and I end up feeling foolish and embarrassed. I think this can all go back to that blog I wrote about being honest about what it is you want from someone. I think that, in any relationship (romantic, sexual, friendship, any relationship) you should be up front and totally clear on what you want. It's like when you go into business with someone, you have to be clear on what you want out of the situation, and who plays what role. Same goes for personal relationships. If all you want from someone if friendship, you need to make sure that person knows, from the start. Feelings do sometimes come out of no where, and you can't control it. So, when you know EXACTLY what the relationship is about, you know your boundaries. You know what is ok, and what is out of line.

When you are in a complicated situation, like say, you are friends with someone, who you have a physical relationship with, and you somehow develop feelings, like deep emotions, for this person, it's good to know where you stand with them. If you don't know, you will probably get drunk and blurt out your feelings, and then who knows what will happen to the friendship.

Everything may seem ok on the outside, but the truth is, it's probably not. One person is left feeling uncomfortable because she expressed herself, and even though she might be, like me, a logical realistic person, there is still that little part of her that feels heartbroken. And it's nothing that anyone can control.

I don't really know what the other person is left with, or if the other person even knows that inside, the person is hurting, and wanting more than she is willing to say.

Someone always gets hurt when there is a lack of honesty and clarity.

Be honest with the people you share your life with. No matter the type of partnership you share, always let the people around you know where they stand in your life.

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