Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Love what you got!

Over the past few months I've been thinking a lot about what I want, what I need, where I want/need my life to go... I've carefully thought about which road I should go down, and who I wish to bring along on my journey. My emotions have given me a lot to think about, I fucking loathe emotions sometimes. But the heart truly does want what it wants. Although, sometimes we have to just put that aside. Not because we want to, or because it's better that way, but because we know that realistically, it's just not going to happen.

I'd love to live in my dream land, where everything is perfect, and I'm always happy. Sadly, that's not going to happen. My life is not perfect, far from it. And I doubt that your world is perfect either. The trick is, finding your perfection in what you have. And of course, you have what you make for yourself. There have been a ton of speed bumps in my road, and I'm sure there will be more.

I've come to realize that what I wish isn't going to happen. At least not at this time. Will it ever happen? Hell I don't know. I'm a believer of everything happens for a reason, same goes for what doesn't happen. And I think I am beginning to understand why certain things in my life have happened, and haven't happened.

I suppose my advice is simple, love what you have, make your perfection. If something is in your way, overcome whatever it is. Shit will probably never be easy, so work hard for what you want, and for what you need. It will only make us stronger. I think this applies to just about any situation.

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