Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day #1

Well I wasn't going to post this yet, since I don't really know who all reads my nonsense... But I'm going to anyways. I'm ready to start my journey, and let anyone who wants to know about it along with me :)

Today marks the beginning of my new life. I'm going to try to have a baby. Yes, I said it, and yes you read that right. I'm going to try to have a baby. It's not something that will come easy for me, because of the PCOS... for those that don't know, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome when I was like 17, and have struggled with the painful and annoying symptoms ever since. The worst symptom of all is not physical the pain though, for me anyways. It the infertility that comes along with it. My desire to be a mother is very strong, and it tears me up inside that I haven't been able to conceive thus far.

Remember, I'm 28 now... I'm not getting any younger. I wish. I've decided to do this now because I don't want to keep putting it off for the perfect time, and find out it's just too late. That would devastate me. I'm not willing to wait any longer. It may take a few years, and I don't want to have a new baby when I'm 40. Plus, I'm getting pretty close to the age of risky pregnancy anyways, not that I don't already have enough obstacles.

Anyways, I've decided to share this with whoever might read because, honestly, I just don't want to hold it in anymore. And, again, I don't know who reads this stuff, so maybe my journey to become a mother could help someone else who struggles.

I'm happy. I'm scared. But, this is just day one. Time to change some of my lifestyle around and get my body baby ready!!

:) :)


  1. Wow! Have you figured out who you want for the baby daddy? As long as he's good looking, who cares right? LOL Congrats Lindsay on making a life changing choice. Raising a child on your own is not easy, I know, been there done that. But you are a committed person and I know you can do it if you want to!

  2. wow good luck with the baby thing if you have a man who want one with you if not he not the right man but best wishes to that

  3. I need no man.... I only need one thing from a man. I'm not saying there isn't someone in my life, and I'm not saying that the "person" in my life will or does want this, but it is my choice. Not his, or anyone elses. I can do this on my own, if I need to do so. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Obviously you're the DUMB WHORE because you cannot spell for crap! So you anonymous p.o.s. why don't you go jump off a bridge no one likes you anyways!

    2. Whose the idiot who don't know how to spell? REALLY, you effing stupid fucktard! It's "DUMB" and "WHORE" stupid, not "DUM" and "HORE". Which by the way, Lindsay is neither dumb nor a whore! You though, are a moron.

  5. Really? You think so? I'm smart enough to know that what you think about me doesn't matter. So go suck a dick. Oh, I'm also smart enough to know who you are even though you are a scared BITCH that post anonymous comments. Learn how to spell before you try to attack someone with words. YOU ARE A DUMB WHORE, see I can spell.

  6. Really anonymous @ 6:48, you are pathetic to sit and read someone else blog and make comments. Get off your ass, go back to school to educate yourself and get your OWN life instead of prying into others. You don't like it don't read it. Shame on you for living vicariously through someone else! FYI I am not anonymous I am family.
