Saturday, December 22, 2012

Facebook bad asses

I think some people really need a reality check. Jealousy is a terrible thing, and will get you no where good. I don't know why some people feel the need to talk shit about anyone really. But when the "trash talk" is oh so clearly directed at me, well take your shit and stuff your mouth bitch, cause nothing is changing here. I am who I am. I do what I do.

I didn't think that my life was so great that other people need to try to live it too... I got this shit, it's my life remember???

Your jealousy and hate, all your mean words do nothing to me, well except make me giggle a little bit.

Tell ya what sweetheart, you do what you feel you need to do, but keep my name out of your mouth. This shit talk is for children, and I know you are young, but I'm pushing 30 and don't have time for kid shit like you.

So, this is the last time I will address you, FUCK YOU BITCH.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, lets just leave it that way. For those of you who think you know what I'm talking about, you are probably right. And for those of you who actually do know what I'm talking about.... well you know.

I'm fucking sick of little kid games. If you don't like someone, and you are going to talk shit about them, be a fucking big girl and say what you mean. All these "facebook bad asses" need a slap in the face. GROW THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Ok, now I'm going back to my hangover. Thanks for reading. :)

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