Sunday, January 27, 2013

fucking fatal attraction

Why do people hold onto shit that is so obviously OVER? I mean, really, it makes a person, man or woman, look very pathetic. If something don't fucking work, then it don't fucking work. Period. Let go, and give not only the other person, but yourself too, a chance to find something that will work. I realize that you can still care about a person after it's over, but really, if you are trying to force it to work when it's just wrong, all you are doing is making yourself and the other person miserable. And if you really give a fuck about that persons happiness, then why in the hell would you try to make things hard on them? I guess maybe I just don't understand. I mean when shits over, it's just plain fucking over.

When a couple has been together for anything less than like a year, and they have no ties, such as children together, when the relationshit is just that, shit, wouldn't it be better to just walk away? I mean, if the two people can be friends, well great. But, again, if either of the people are going to fucking idiots, or jealous fucking crazy people, I think I would rather just walk away, clean and simple.

I realize it's hard to be friends with someone you have romantic feelings for, so what I'm saying is, if you can't be a big girl, or big boy, and deal with the fact that EVERYONE has a right to try to find someone that they CAN be happy with, then just walk away. If you get pissy and throw a fucking tantrum when you see the shit, you probably shouldn't be within  view. And if you are going to try to make the other person jealous, in hopes that they will "see what they are missing" You are as nutty as fucking squirrel shit. Seriously, that VERY RARELY works.

Ex's are ex's for a fucking reason. Grow up, and deal with your fucking fatal attraction at home.

Thanks for reading. ;)


  1. Love the photo comments! LOL They say it all!

  2. I probably could have just posted the pictures and still gotten my point across lol
