Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life's not fair

I recently said, in a joking manner, "I always get what I want". And then I thought about it, the truth is, I usually do. Getting what I want has nothing to do with being some spoiled stuck up bitch. I work my ass off, every day, to get the things I want. I do not rely on other people to get me the things I want.

This brought me to thinking about the people who do nothing, and yet they still bitch and cry about not having the things they want.... Oh and of course, the ones who once had the things they wanted, but then pissed them away.

If you don't get off your ass, and do some fucking work, how can you feel accomplished enough to enjoy the things you get?

Someone I know was actually crying to me about shit not being fair. I had to hold back not only my laughter, but also the urge to smack them upside the fucking head.

No, dumb ass, life isn't fair. This person actually said to ME of all people, "your life is easy, you get the things you want"

Are you fucking kidding me? My life is far from easy, it's not the worst life, but it's certainly not fucking easy. I get the things I want in life by working hard, and not giving up. That's how my Mama and Papa raised me. They did not raise me to be a fucking cry baby.

Every time I come across a person who cries and whines about life not being fair, I silently thank my parents. For every time I threw a fucking tantrum because I didn't get what I wanted, and screamed "THAT'S NOT FAIR" an to which they replied to me "Lindsay, life is not fair." They never gave into me when I was being a whiny little bitch.

So, to my Mom and Dad, Thank you, for teaching me to not be a whiny little bitch. And thank you for teaching me the REAL way to get what I want out of life.

And to those who think that if you sit long enough, if you cry hard enough, shit will just appear to you the way you want it to, grow the fuck up. Put you big boy/girl pants on, and do your own fucking work.

Life's not fair.

1 comment:

  1. You know to this day it gripes my ass when I am out in public and I see a parent giving in to a child who is throwing a tantrum to get their way, just so that they don't have to deal with real parenting. I remember you and your brother both would actually tell your friends never to nag me about anything because if they did then I would NEVER agree to whatever it was that they were asking. You guys knew because you were taught from very early childhood, demands will not be met, but reasonable requests will be honored.
