Saturday, December 22, 2012

Facebook bad asses

I think some people really need a reality check. Jealousy is a terrible thing, and will get you no where good. I don't know why some people feel the need to talk shit about anyone really. But when the "trash talk" is oh so clearly directed at me, well take your shit and stuff your mouth bitch, cause nothing is changing here. I am who I am. I do what I do.

I didn't think that my life was so great that other people need to try to live it too... I got this shit, it's my life remember???

Your jealousy and hate, all your mean words do nothing to me, well except make me giggle a little bit.

Tell ya what sweetheart, you do what you feel you need to do, but keep my name out of your mouth. This shit talk is for children, and I know you are young, but I'm pushing 30 and don't have time for kid shit like you.

So, this is the last time I will address you, FUCK YOU BITCH.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, lets just leave it that way. For those of you who think you know what I'm talking about, you are probably right. And for those of you who actually do know what I'm talking about.... well you know.

I'm fucking sick of little kid games. If you don't like someone, and you are going to talk shit about them, be a fucking big girl and say what you mean. All these "facebook bad asses" need a slap in the face. GROW THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Ok, now I'm going back to my hangover. Thanks for reading. :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


So, today is the 18th of December, 2012....
    It's Tuesday.

I've been thinking a lot about this 12-21-12 shit.... Well I don't know if it's shit or truth. But whatever it is, I am not going to spend the next 2.5 days over thinking it. I suppose if all this is real, well then, we are all toast.

My family, my friends, they all know I love them. I have only two regrets. And I'm not going to share them with you. But that's all. If it's real, well then it's real. If it's not, I suppose I'll look back on this and realize that I over think FUCKING EVERYTHING!

Ok, I'm done for today... well for the hour, who knows, I may have some more shit to fill your minds with before the day is over... but I doubt it.

For those of you that don't already know it.....

I fucking love you.

(Chances are, if you read this, my lovely nonsense, then you are a living breathing noun, and that means I have some kind of love for you)

For those of you that I know personally, that's real. Love. Fuck all that other shit, just be you. Grab those you love, hug them tight and just fucking tell them you love them.

This might be it. Even if the world isn't going to end in 2.5 days.... We never know how much time we have.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Product of your environment

Really? Are people really so fucking stupid? I don't get it... Normal people spend their lives trying to get shit right, doing what they are suppose to do, and just try to get by. But not everyone. It seriously bothers me that some people can be so fucking stupid and careless. Selfish.

When you don't have children who depend on you for support, it's one thing to make stupid choices and fuck your life all up. It will still affect the people that love you, but hopefully, not turn a childs life upside down.

Now, when you become a parent, your first fucking priority should always be your children. Over the past few years I have personally watch certain people fuck their lives all kinds of sideways, and these people have CHILDREN! To them (the ones that are still capable of reading) I say: WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

Ya know, some of you may not have planned to have children at the time you did or ever for that matter, but the fact is, you did. And you CHOSE to keep that child. AND now you choose to fuck that childs life up because YOU want to do stupid things? Seriously, what the fuck? Children NEED their parents to be good people. I mean, you are a product of your environment, and when your environment is shit, you think that is the way life is. Then when you become an adult you either A. follow in shitty footsteps, or B. work even fucking harder to become a decent person.

Ugh. I lost my train of thought. Fuck it.

My life is a mess. ....

I'd love to be able to honestly say that life is perfect... but I would be lying. Life is hard, it hurts and it's sad and it's just a fucking mess. But in all the chaos, and all of us have chaos, there needs to be something, or someone, to make everything ok. Even if it is just for a little bit, just take away all the bull shit for a little while.....

If and when you find it, HOLD ON TIGHT! Seriously. Whatever makes you smile, keep it. Love it. Embrace it as much as you can.

There is so much pain and filth among us. So many people throwing their lives away for nothing. So many people that have nothing to even throw if they wanted to.

I look back and reflect on my past often, this keeps me moving forward. I have to remind myself of where I was 10 years ago, hell even 5 years ago. I have to keep that close, so I will know if I'm slipping again. And thankfully I have not. I hear people say "thank your lucky stars" and I do. I surround myself with who and what I feel to be my "lucky stars" and I keep all of that as close as I can. I never want to return to where or who I was all those years ago, I'd like to forget that that place in my life ever was real, but in if I do that, I could fall right back to it, and never see it coming. So I keep all my scars reveled, and I plan to continue on the path that I am on.

What I'm really saying here is this: No matter what you have done, or who you were, even if it was just yesterday, you ALWAYS have a chance to better you. And Only you can do it. Never think anyone can or will change you. You will always be just who you want to be. Don't sit back and think "oh I'll do better tomorrow" MAKE a PLAN, stick to it. Get you taken care of.

I'm not saying we are all bad people and need to change, I'm saying there is ALWAYS room to be a better person. To love more, to laugh more, to be a friend more. And maybe all of this isn't really for us, maybe it is for the other people around us. Smiles, love, laughter, kindness, all of these things spread like wild fire. But we need to remember, so does hate and pain. And any choice we make affects everyone else.

I am now in a situation where someone I care about has made a very stupid thoughtless choice, and I don't know if he even realizes how many people will be affected by his choice. What we all need to understand is that when we make stupid choices, sometimes, and most of the time, we can not fix these choices easily. And the damage is done.

I am not perfect, I'm a mess, my life is a mess. And that is okay. I laugh, I love.... oh do I love. I try to spread my kindness to everyone I encounter, everyday. Yes, I have pain, I hurt more than anyone knows, but that I deal with, sometimes on my own, and sometimes with the help of others who I trust can handle my shit without it affecting them in ways that lead to it affecting anyone else.

This may not make any sense to some people, but it is what it is. And that is exactly what it is.

   There is more to come, but I've run out of time for today....

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ignorance is not bliss.

Ignorance is not bliss...

I don't care what you say. Not knowing exactly what is going on around you is not a good thing. AT ALL. EVER.

But sometimes there is a necessary evil. Ignorance is sometimes necessary. Well, allowing someone to stay ignorant about something is sometimes necessary.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

More Things That Piss Me Off

This is pretty much an overview of how my day went today...

and everything has really pissed me off.

Wake up from an incredible dream. Try REALLY hard to go back to sleep. Can't. Fuck you.

Fine. I will go take my shower, hopefully before anyone gets up and starts using the hot water.

Nope, not today. Another cold shower for me. Fuck you.

Okay, I really need some coffee. ... HAHAHA! Nope. I'm all out of coffee.

A really big FUCK YOU for that one.

My lovely boyfriend decides to blame the shortage of coffee on me.

Really, fuck you.

Go to Lowe's. I didn't even so much as brush my hair. And still every guy in there apparently thinks I'm famous.

Come on guys. You don't even get so much as a fuck you.

So, now it's time to go to work. Normally a great time for me. I love my job.

Not today.

So, for today, I'm giving out a fuck you.

I want to go back to my dream. Damn it.

I'm going to bed.

Friday, November 16, 2012

What Are You Looking For?


Many times I've come across people that say things like "I am ready to settle down" or the opposite like "I don't want a serious relationship".

OK, first of all, most of the time, saying this is bull shit. People have become afraid of what they really want. This is stupid. If you are not upfront about what you want, you are NOT going to get it. So, the logical thing to do is to be HONEST! I realize that feelings and emotions change, and that is ok. But flat out lying about shit is only hurting you. If what you really want from someone is to screw and leave, you should tell them. It's not only fair to them, but to you as well. Don't lead someone on just to get what you want. It's bull shit. If what you want is to snuggle on the sofa on a rainy day and watch stupid corny movies, TELL THEM! I can not stress this enough.

It's not only men who lie about what they want, but usually it's men that say they want more than what they really do. Trust me guys, if you just wanna booty call, there is someone out there for you. And ladies, if you want more than just a late night text and a 25 minute bang, tell the guy.

Why do people think they need to sacrifice their own happiness just to get some ass????

Someone is going to get hurt. And who really wants to hurt another person. Well other than fucking dickhead bastards.


"Lets just be friends" Come on! Do I even need to go there???

There are a few ways this can work...

#1 If you were NEVER in love. Like ever. Neither of you ever loved the other in a romantic way.
#2 If you don't give a shit if the other is miserable. Or if you don't give a shit if you are.
#3 If neither of you are ever in a relationship again, continue to bump uglies, and NEVER introduce a potential screw to the other.
#4 If one of you becomes gay. And this only works sometimes.

Any other situation is going to end badly.

Things That Piss Me Off

  1. When I sneeze and bite my tongue. This fucking hurts.
  2. When I accidentally type "your" instead of "you're"
  3. When people go on and on about stupid shit, but never ask you about your day. It's rude. Don't be a dick.
  4. People who don't cover their mouths when coughing.
  5. When I decide to wear a white shirt, and then it rains.
  6. Jersey Shore
  7. People who think when I say ‘ god please don’t take my picture I look like shit' I really mean 'please take my picture 101 times and tag me on facebook' and then they keep follow me around with their fucking camera.
  8. Abusive relationships. In any way shape or form.
  9. Shitty parenting.
  10. When my Internet is down, and my phone is dead. This happens more than one would think.
  11. McDonald's. Seriously. Fuck you.
  12. People who don't like animals.
  13. People who lie about an allergy to an animal so I wont tell them they are dicks.
  14. People who have really serious opinions about politics when I try to talk to them at a party or bar.
  15. When it's too hot for a hoodie, but too cold without it.
  16. Scratchy sheets.
  17. Guys who freak out when girls fart/burp.
  18. People who lie about what they want from a relationship... this I'm sure will be a whole other post.
  19. Shopping for clothes. I fucking hate this.
  20. Fucking up my eyeliner when I am in a hurry.
  21. Trying to re-apply my eyeliner when I'm drunk.

That's all for now... I think.