Thursday, December 6, 2012

Product of your environment

Really? Are people really so fucking stupid? I don't get it... Normal people spend their lives trying to get shit right, doing what they are suppose to do, and just try to get by. But not everyone. It seriously bothers me that some people can be so fucking stupid and careless. Selfish.

When you don't have children who depend on you for support, it's one thing to make stupid choices and fuck your life all up. It will still affect the people that love you, but hopefully, not turn a childs life upside down.

Now, when you become a parent, your first fucking priority should always be your children. Over the past few years I have personally watch certain people fuck their lives all kinds of sideways, and these people have CHILDREN! To them (the ones that are still capable of reading) I say: WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

Ya know, some of you may not have planned to have children at the time you did or ever for that matter, but the fact is, you did. And you CHOSE to keep that child. AND now you choose to fuck that childs life up because YOU want to do stupid things? Seriously, what the fuck? Children NEED their parents to be good people. I mean, you are a product of your environment, and when your environment is shit, you think that is the way life is. Then when you become an adult you either A. follow in shitty footsteps, or B. work even fucking harder to become a decent person.

Ugh. I lost my train of thought. Fuck it.

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