Friday, November 16, 2012

Things That Piss Me Off

  1. When I sneeze and bite my tongue. This fucking hurts.
  2. When I accidentally type "your" instead of "you're"
  3. When people go on and on about stupid shit, but never ask you about your day. It's rude. Don't be a dick.
  4. People who don't cover their mouths when coughing.
  5. When I decide to wear a white shirt, and then it rains.
  6. Jersey Shore
  7. People who think when I say ‘ god please don’t take my picture I look like shit' I really mean 'please take my picture 101 times and tag me on facebook' and then they keep follow me around with their fucking camera.
  8. Abusive relationships. In any way shape or form.
  9. Shitty parenting.
  10. When my Internet is down, and my phone is dead. This happens more than one would think.
  11. McDonald's. Seriously. Fuck you.
  12. People who don't like animals.
  13. People who lie about an allergy to an animal so I wont tell them they are dicks.
  14. People who have really serious opinions about politics when I try to talk to them at a party or bar.
  15. When it's too hot for a hoodie, but too cold without it.
  16. Scratchy sheets.
  17. Guys who freak out when girls fart/burp.
  18. People who lie about what they want from a relationship... this I'm sure will be a whole other post.
  19. Shopping for clothes. I fucking hate this.
  20. Fucking up my eyeliner when I am in a hurry.
  21. Trying to re-apply my eyeliner when I'm drunk.

That's all for now... I think.

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