Monday, July 8, 2013

Alright guys, this is all you...

Guys, this is for YOU... 

 I realize that men and women do NOT think alike. At all.

I'm sure you've all realized this as well. So I think someone needs to tell ya'll what's cute, hot, sexy.. whatever and what is just down right CREEPY!

Winking & shooting your finger at us - totally creepy - not acceptable.

A cute smile and nod is ok.  Hungry eyes and a glaring smile - CREEPY!  We don't see things the way you do - it's not hot it's creepy - don't do it!
We don't want or need to hear about your awesome car. We probably don't care much, if at all.

For first meeting conversations, we care that you have a job, have a license & have a car to drive yourself where you need to be, that you don't live at home with your parents, and that you're straight,

We don't care about how many chicks you've banged.  Save that for the guys.  We really don't want to know.  Not only do we NOT want to hear about it - but we think it's gross & creepy. 
Don't EVER tell us you're superficial & will trade us in when we're 40 for 2 - 20 year olds!
You may be joking - but our brain immediately fast forwards to that time & we see ourselves years older, 30 lbs heavier with kids, a mortgage, bills to pay and then the dumb bastard gets a hair up his ass and runs off with his hot 20 something(who probably isn't that hot).
Even if I'm totally into you, this will send me the other fucking direction.

Also, don't start planning our future together the night we meet. This is fucking weird. You don't know me well enough for all that talk. Seriously. NO!

Boyish charm - very cute.  Needing to ask your mommy for approval of every decision you make as a grown man CREEPY.  Yes, we want you to love your mommy.  I know my son better love me forever, but does the name Norman Bates mean anything to you?
Honesty is always the best policy.  We'd rather be slapped with brutal honesty than lead along like puppies until we finally figure the shit out then we are back to where we started.

 Please fee free to pass this information on to the single men you may know who may desperately need it!

To my ladies, you're welcome!  If anyone's going to put it out there - you should have known it would be me!


  1. This is great! But you forgot to include "married" in the list of topics for first time meeting conversations. Still; very awesome.

  2. I thought this point should go without saying... but yeah.... Guys if you are married, don't try picking up ladies. Most of us don't aspire to be fucking home wreckers.
