Monday, February 25, 2013


I'm still here, just haven't had time to write!

But, don't worry, I will write soon!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

State Aid....

Facebook... Someone posted a picture of a doctor today, with it a long story about him treating a person on medicare, and how he was pissed that she was on aid, while having tattoos, a cell phone, nice shoes and clothes, and smokes a pack a day.... He says if she can afford all of that, why should his taxes be paying for her health care??

While I agree that some people abuse state aid, I also know, from personal experience, that not EVERYONE ON AID IS USES THE SYSTEM!! This angers me. I spent some time on state aid, and while I was on it, I was either a full time college student, trying to get my life right, or I was working and making minimum wage. What pisses me off the most about all of this is, I have tattoos, nice things, good clothes, I smoke....

But here's the thing, and I should never have to explain this, but here and now I will....

Out of all of my tattoos, I paid for two of them myself. Some were gifts, my brother did a few for free, and my boyfriends brother did a few for free. The clothes I have, I've either had for years, or I bought them at a thrift store, or maybe just maybe I found an awesome deal and was able to treat myself with a nice shirt. I take pride in my appearance. I just bought a brand new pair of boots, Jennifer Lopez boots. They are amazing. Priced over $100, but I paid $20. You would not know that unless I told you. With all the ink on me, the piercings, the nice clothes, shoes, etc. a person could say that I "look" like I can afford to buy my own health care, but the truth is, when I go out dressed like that, I most likely only spent a few bucks here and there to get my wardrobe looking good.

I'm not on any kind of aid now, but when I was, I did get funny looks, and it fucking pissed me off. Just recently, I was doing my weekly food shopping at ALDI, I spent somewhere around $60 or so, paid with a hundred dollar bill. The lady behind me in line had some smart ass shit to say about if I have $100 why am I shopping at ALDI?? I work hard for my money, and so does my boyfriend, but we have a family to support, the state WONT help us, because they say we make too much money. But, we still struggle, we still go without.

My point is, although we have nice things, that doesn't mean that we are fucking made of money, or use the system. WE work hard, and sometimes we still need a little help. There should never be any shame in that. If you are looking down on someone for being on aid yet dressing nice and having a cell phone, SHAME ON YOU!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ha ha ha, I lied.

But don't worry friends, and stalkers, if you got up to pee, I promise, all this will still be here when you get back.

Ok, sorry, I just had to. Anyways, I'm back on my rage path. I realize that alot of what I have to write about has to do with crazy bitches, or bad parenting, or both...


I don't understand how a parent can use their child just to get at someone. If you want to be a bitch and hurt someone, why use a child? Did that child do something to deserve being put in the middle? Are you to fucking stupid to understand that you are hurting the child?

Children should never be forced to choose between parents.

If the two of you could at one time be close enough to bump each others uglies, then for fucks sake, grow up an get along. Not only is it only hurting the child, or children involved, but don't you think life would be much less stressful if you two would stop?? I do. I also think that the two parents would communicate better when it comes to the child(ren)

I know it will never happen for some people, and that really makes me sad for the kids, and I kinda wanna bitch smack parents.