Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I'm just bitching.... again.

People who say or do shit for the soul purpose of provoking a reaction or for attention. This right here is one thing that bugs the fucking hell out of me. When people just say something to start a fight or to provoke someone. Fucking grow up, not only is this annoying it is fucking childish. Get a life and find some fucking self esteem you loser. You're not happy with yourself so you have to try to shit on other people to make them feel as shitty as you feel. It's fucking sick. Fuck that, look at your life and find things to smile about. If you don't have things to smile about, then just shut the fuck up and save the other people time of playing your bullshit "look at me I have to be the center of attention" games.

People who complain profusely when a fast food place or restaurant gets your order wrong. I understand making a point to return the wrong order, and get what you first wanted, and I understand that if you're a picky eater, it sucks, but it's not the end of the fucking world. And just because someone made a mistake on your order doesn't mean you have the right to talk down to the server... Maybe it was their fault, maybe it wasn't. And even if it was their fault it probably wasn't deliberate, but if you yell and scream like a fucking 2 year old, the next time is probably going to be deliberate and worse. It's like slapping your kid for spilling something. They're a fucking kid. They're gonna spill shit. It's your waiter or waitress, mistakes are going to be made. Don't be a total fucking asshole about it.

People who complain about the FREE  wi-fi being down, or being slow. Seriously, shut the fuck up and go home... or somewhere else. If you get internet at home that never has issues, then fucking go home and use it. Don't be a fucking douche bag and invade the ears and minds of everyone within ear shot of you.

People who say things like "There are too many movie trailers! Can’t we just see the movie?” Shut up! Movie trailers are awesome. If you don't want to watch them, wait for it to come out on DVD or blue-ray or whatever you might have, and skip to the menu. Plus, how the hell do you decide if you want to see a movie????

And lastly... for now anyways, mom made fried chicken, and I can smell it, it's close to being done....

Teen-Mom shows. Oh for crying out loud. Why the FUCK are we glamorizing teen pregnancy? I realize that the shows do not intend to make this out to be awesome and fun, but really most 15-16 year old girls see that shit and think "if I get pregnant I can be on t.v."